indian military academy army officer gentleman cadet passing out parade quotes images IMA dehradun best military training young officers Chetwood hall join Indian Army

Pictures of Indian Military Academy which will give you goosebumps

Indian Military Academy is the premier training institute for Army officers. The Chetwood halls, drill square training ground or auditorium etc are the places that have witnessed the slow transformations of thousands of Gentleman Cadets to a Handsome Army Officers over decades. The day they qualify NDA to join Army, their fates were sealed by the historic boundaries of this magnificent building IMA. The grandeur of IMA passing out parades when the Gentleman Cadets take ‘last step’ as they cross Chetwood threshold is unmatchable and so is the hoots and shouts of becoming a star adorned Indian Army officer. The smiling faces of proud parents, the constant clicking of the cameras by wardens,guardians and other guests at the Chetwood ground are common sights during the Passing out Parade ceremony. The excellent drill movements, the zeal that touches the sky and the pride in their postures reflects the world’s toughest trainings that they get in the academy only to turn them into a steel.  No doubt IMA instill the best qualities into a cadet which they use to serve their country India. We have gathered some of the pictures of Indian Military Academy which will motivate you to join Army and left you feeling proud over these young officers. Take a look!

Keep Calm and Drill On! Last step is what we dream On!

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This historic building has the history of producing the fighters, warriors and winners!

indian military academy army officer gentleman cadet passing out parade quotes images IMA dehradun best military training young officers Chetwood hall join Indian Army

We will always hold each others backs..always and forever! We the band of brothers sealed by the obligations of blood,sweat and pride.

indian military academy army officer gentleman cadet passing out parade quotes images IMA dehradun best military training young officers Chetwood hall join Indian Army

This is the only place where the talks make sense to my gun!

indian military academy army officer gentleman cadet passing out parade quotes images IMA dehradun best military training young officers Chetwood hall join Indian Army

This is just the beginning bro! Chill & Dig it!

indian military academy army officer gentleman cadet passing out parade quotes images IMA dehradun best military training young officers Chetwood hall join Indian Army

Don’t let handsome faces fool you! We are the Beasts!

IMA POP gentleman cadet indian army join army army officer indian military academy dehradun

We are not the survivors. We are F*** warriors!

ima, dehradun, pop,army oddicer, academy cadet

You are the faith I hold in my values. You are the pride I hold in my heart!

ima cadet pop academy army officer young officers passing out parade indian military academy

Mat Ro Maa! I am Okay ! I am Okay!

IMA dehradun, POP, army officer handsome army officer army mom

Saluetes to Indian army! Salutes to young Army Officers ! Indian

And to know amore about the determination and courage that conquers the wars and save our country you need to read Soldier’s Girl : Love story of a para commando and to buy it just click onto the following link

Soldier’s Girl: Love Story of a Para-Commando (First)

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