Saga of an Indian Army Officer life

Indian Army officers  are class apart. The style and swag is into their blood which they inject right during the Academy Days. The ragda and rolls turn them into into a tolerant breed of men and the putti parades to duck walks seal their endurance. The personality development classes and the sophisticated dining manners bestow chivalry and the constant encounter with life and death situation give them the clear insight to value their family members and the ultimate support from Army officer wives make them admire the relationship more as a lover than just husbands. Army officers stories excite people and their victories let entire nation dance and feel a little safer. Of course! The point is definetly they are no ordinary men and we need to know about them more. So here comes the daily ordeal of their lives which will make you smile or may be laugh uncontrollably.

The Dreaded BPET

The sky is invisible,fog is there in the air, darkness lingers around,some men with weapons in their hands are whispering together. The seniors are growling and shouting instructions. This is not some scene from a movie but a reality into an Army officer life. The BPET or running tests which happen on regular basis where some 20 kg bags are to be carried on the shoulders and run several kilometers in the matter of minutes. Failure is counted over the number of minutes.

Army Officer take

Oh God! Why December dawns are always like this? Why?

Indian Army Officer Life routine qualities Indian Army

The two minute Phone calls

There is no timings for a preferred phone call time and it will basically ring 24 hours 7 days a week. The fauji official phone would be cornered to the most aloof corners quite irritatingly by the wife or it will be permanently placed into the husband’s room. The most astonishing part? All the calls would last for 2 minutes only and wife could hear only ‘Sir’ ‘Yes Sir’ ‘Jai Hind Sir’ all the while or some occasional instructions passed to the subordinates. The okay calls may take several hours though.

Army Officer take

Wife’s staring, kids crying and boss howling! Roger that!

Indian Army Officer Life routine qualities Indian Army

The Conferences

AC is in its full swing. The mood is tense. The fellow officers look nervous and The CO looks grim. The projector is almost yawning with the dull boring presentations, Op room discussions or may be the flowing instructions from the CO who is never happy. The units legendary history is used occasionally with an equal mention of failing standards but yes tea time provides the needed relief.

Army Officer’s Take

One more presentation? Really? I have a cricket match tonight.

Indian Army Officer Life routine qualities Indian Army

The sporty Evenings

The evenings are the most favourite, close to heart time of the day to an Army officer . Why? They get to play a lot. The squash courts,the tennis courts,the swimming pools,the basketball grounds simply send cheerful vibes with so many officers in their sports wear and along with sports gear playing on and on!

Army officer take

Head gear on! Tennis kit here! The leg bandages put and now here I come would beat the shit out of the ball and won’t even lose a single set! Helll yEahhhhh!!!!!!!

Indian Army Officer Life routine qualities Indian Army


The night parties

Either it would be a social evening or a dining in or a dining out or may be both dining in and outs combined together. The house would be a mess with wife getting ready for an hour and handling kids to gear them up for the party if allowed. The car would speed at full throttle after some half and hour only to step into the mess venue like a well civilised and happy couple. The coctails served are much relive. The wife would join the ladies group,kids would somehow vanish and the officer can finally with the fellow buddy in the same boat as far away as possible from the CO.

Army Officer’s Take

Why do I have to stand throughout the Army parties? Ladies get to sit and what’s wrong with the waiters? All snacks towards ladies side? What the….

Indian Army Officer Life routine qualities Indian Army

The midnight inspections

So some mid night emergency would turn up or the officer would be asked to do a midnight inspections to the jawans lines. The wife would be totally annoyed and throw his pillow out of the bed room (varies wife to wife) some may be wary and wait patiently for their husbands to return. The jawan line story goes to another dimension which can’t even be described here and the reporting back to CO involves a message ‘All Ok. regards!’

Army Officer take

Why me?


And finally a day well spent! Haha! This is just for a light hearted laugh and make the warriors smile.It’s just a light hearted description of a usual routine of an Army officer life. Else we all are super debted to what you do for the nation and yet never complain. No marches or protests are ever taken by the army officers which speak volume about the integrity you hold.

Hats off to the service you do and morales you keep!

Here is the link to Soldier’s Girl : Love story of a Para Commando which is a must read if you belong to the league of these extraordinary men called Army officers. The nuclear war,cold start doctrine,India Pakistan war,interesting glimpses of Army life and life of the women in love with the men in Uniform written in fun light hearted manner is what makes it one of a kind story. You can also gift it to your girlfriends and wives who would cherish this gift reminding them of their story.

Soldier’s Girl: Love Story of a Para-Commando (First)

Soldier's Girl Army love Army officer Army wife Army girlfriend love story indian army book army book